Wild Sign: So Many Missing Witches
by Patricia Briggs
SPOILER ALERT: Please be aware that this book review contains spoilers from Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs. This post is about my thoughts on the events and developments in the story. Please DO NOT read further unless you have read the book or don’t care if the major events are spoiled for you. This is also the sixth book in the series and might spoil events in previous books. If you want to read my spoiler free review, click here.
Wild Sign is the sixth book in the Alpha & Omega series, and it starts just as good as any other book in this series. Briggs peaks the interest by slipping us a hint of what our newest adventure will be about. Something is wrong with Leah, and her past seems to be coming back to haunt her once again. It becomes Charles’s and Anna’s job to discover exactly what her past is. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unknowns and a lot of witches missing from the small makeshift community camping at Wild Sign.
Leah is a character that we know very little about despite the fact that she is a character in both this series and Briggs’s Mercy Thompson series. It is nice to finally have a chance to add some more depth to her as we come to understand who she is and why she is who she is. Of the few female werewolves in the series, she is not the most pleasant one. Though by the end of the book, we see that there is a lot more to her than we were originally presented with. In fact, I had often just thought that Leah was a sour woman because of her loveless mating and hunger for a good position. Yet, we see that she didn’t choose to be a werewolf or Bran’s mate. She had a very rough human life that she chose to blow up in order to stop a monster from growing in power. She even thought she had killed her own son to end the monster’s reign.
It was very surprising to have all of these traumatic events revealed. Did anyone guess that Zander was her son? That completely surprised me. Plus, he was a walker. The only other walkers we have seen were related to Mercy’s adventures. Now, we are starting to see some overlap in areas that we haven’t before. Even Mercy’s dad, Coyote, makes an appearance. His role is very small in this book, but he does some very interesting things. He seems to eat whatever is left of the singer and decided to visit the witches’ cognizant garden. I have a feeling it will definitely come back one way or another.
Then, we see some development in the world and other characters that inhabit it as we find out about a nursing home meant for black witches. The witches running the facility siphon the power from other witches trapped in the facility to make themselves stronger. It is some very dark stuff going on in this world that Briggs has created. It makes it even more interesting and mysterious. I also doubt that this place will go away. With Coyote’s interest in the place and the witches being left to continue on unchallenged, I think this is going to be an important place in future problems. I will be interested to know where things go from here.
We also have some darker revelations going on a little closer to home. I have always loved Bran throughout this series and the Mercy Thompson series. I trust him despite how much of an enigma he is. He always seems like a complicated guy who is stuck in a mating he doesn’t want to a woman he can’t stand. However, we learn a little more about him in this novel along with his mate, and it isn’t the most glorious of revelations. His mating to Leah was a forced bonding that didn’t require Leah to consent to it. He did do it to save Leah from dying, and he did save her from death. But then he takes her home, flips her life on its head, and can’t give her the love that a mate should. I would be interested to understand more about Bran and what made him so invested in saving Leah that he would go to such great lengths. He tries to explain what happened to Charles, but it feels like we got the base story instead of the entire story. I hope he is someone that we continue to learn more about. We have really only seen a peak at who Bran Cornick is.
Now, last but not least, the end was the really big kicker! Briggs has thrown everything up in the air when she had Sam gave Anna and Charles his daughter. Sam has always wanted a child. That was the main reason he tried to seduce Mercy. Now, he has one and gives her away saying it’s too dangerous for anyone to know her true parentage. I do know Charles and Anna will be good parents. I just wonder how things will change from here. It will be harder to go on these adventures with a child to think about. Though, she will be a special child, so that will also be a factor to consider. What do you think of this development?
Overall, this book is excellent. I don’t think it is quite as good as the other books in this series because it is a little slower moving than the others, but it is still top notch. We have some really interesting development going on, and the characters are amazing as always. Yet, the climax seems to come on quickly at the end. The battle is quick to be over. Briggs’s pacing is usually a bit smoother in its transition from conflict to resolution. The ending with Coyote and Sam is the most exciting part of the book. It feels a little bit like she is using this book to set up what she will have happen next. I guess we will all have to wait and see where things go from here.
Did you like this book? What did you think of this novel? I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions of it.
- Continued amazing world building
- Excellent writing
- Great characters and continued character building
- Exciting unexpected developments
- Some interesting surprises
- Â Slower moving plot (depending on the reader)
Recommended for readers who like:
- Readers who liked books 1-5
- Readers who like Briggs’s Mercy Thompson seriesÂ
- Urban Fantasy
- Werewolves
- Easy, smooth writing style
-If you haven’t read the previous books, I strongly suggest you start at book 1 since it is a progressive series
Book Details:
- Published: March 16, 2021
- Series: Alpha & Omega
- Book Number: 6
- Pages: 292
- Publisher: Orbit
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Patricia Briggs’s Website: Click Here

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