• Film Recommendations

    Top Recommendations of Fantasy TV Shows

    #1. Game of Thrones Game of Thrones is an HBO show based on George R.R. Martin’s series A Song of Ice and Fire. It tells the story of greed and war as several parties wish to own the iron throne and leadership over Westeros. Some are involved in order to win while others are caught up in the events merely by being in the vicinity. At any moment one’s political motivations could send them toward their goal or throw them to the wolves. This TV show is excellent in many ways. It is excellent in quality, script, acting, and story. It has a very complicated storyline with many different threads…

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  • Fanatic Deliberations

    Exploring New Worlds: Imagination’s the Limit

    Something I find amazing with the fantasy genre is all the different unique worlds that are created in every single series. It is amazing how authors can design such compelling realistic worlds that also hold so much more potential and adventure than our own. These stories pick us up and transfer us to a whole new place. It is a place we could never experience or know about otherwise. In high or epic fantasy, the authors make a whole new world that has completely new rules, cultures, peoples, environments, and creatures. It is a world that no one has ever experienced before and can only be experienced within the pages…

  • Amy's Fantasy Adventures

    What Led You to Fall in Love With Fantasy?

    I have loved reading my entire life. I can’t remember a time, even in my earliest memories, that I didn’t like to read. Even before I could read real books, I remember reading picture books and those easy stories with the reading level printed on the top when I was very little. Believe it or not, I even remember rereading my favorite ones. There are a few that I still remember quite well because I read them so much. In many ways, my love of reading was inevitable because both of my parents love to read. My mom has always been a big advocate of fostering the love of reading,…

  • Fanatic Favorites

    Top 5 High Fantasy Series

    #1. Codex Alera by Jim Butcher This series focuses on a boy named Tavi who is very unique in this world. He has no control over any types of furies (elementals of earth, fire, water, air, and metal). Instead, he has to overcome the problems that happen around him without any power, and as he branches out into the world, he discovers where destiny leads him and what his true potential can be. I love this series so much because of how unique it is. I, personally, haven’t read many other novels that incorporate nature manipulation as the main form of magic in the world, and I also like the…

  • Fanatic Deliberations

    Point of View: Preferences and Character Connections

    Point of view is such an interesting and complex topic. When I was in college getting my bachelors in creative writing, my teachers constantly mentioned how point of view was so important when writing or reading a story. The concept they always brought up was how point of view changes the reliability of the narrator. Now, maybe reliability doesn’t really affect me or bother me since I read for fun and not to analyze for deeper meanings or maybe I should pay more attention to it. It’s hard to say. Even in my classes in the academy, I might mention point of view and how important it is, but I…