Amy's Fantasy Adventures

  • Amy's Fantasy Adventures

    Going to My First Book Signing

    This post’s title might be a little misleading considering I have only been to one book signing. Maybe I have been unlucky since I usually find out about a visiting author after they have already come and gone. I have often wondered how people are notified of author readings and signings. I know that authors often post about it on their websites, but does that mean readers are only notified if they often visit his or her sites? I guess social media is another way. They must post about it, but I only have limited time for personal scrolling through social media, so I often miss them until it’s too…

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  • Amy's Fantasy Adventures

    How I Started Writing Fantasy Fiction

    As I have enjoyed reading since I was very young, I have also enjoyed writing for almost as long. I’m not exactly sure when I started writing my own little stories, but I do know that I have some very vivid memories of wanting to write a novel when I was in middle school. In fact, there was a specific notebook that was one of the first ones I dedicated to using only for my personal writing. It was a large wide ruled notebook with a yellow to orange ombre cover with an orange plastic spiral binding. I used this notebook to write simple ideas, parts of actual stories, and…

  • Amy's Fantasy Adventures

    Finish the Book For Christmas

    As the holidays grow close and with the fact that there is only a month and a half before the year is out, I feel the need to try and power through as many books as I can to raise my yearly books read count as I can. Sure, it isn’t a contest and I’m not comparing myself to anyone but myself from the previous year, but either way if it ever has a chance to come up, it’s not impressive to say I read ten books this year (well maybe to someone who doesn’t read). Though I have already passed the ten book mark by a good amount, I…

  • Amy's Fantasy Adventures

    What Led You to Fall in Love With Fantasy?

    I have loved reading my entire life. I can’t remember a time, even in my earliest memories, that I didn’t like to read. Even before I could read real books, I remember reading picture books and those easy stories with the reading level printed on the top when I was very little. Believe it or not, I even remember rereading my favorite ones. There are a few that I still remember quite well because I read them so much. In many ways, my love of reading was inevitable because both of my parents love to read. My mom has always been a big advocate of fostering the love of reading,…