Fanatic Favorites

Top 5 Paranormal Romance Series

#1. Immortal Guardians by Dianne Duvall

Vampires are bad. Immortals, who do share a lot of qualities with vampires, are good. They hunt down the evil vampires who kill and murder. Only a select few have the potential to become an immortal instead of a vampire, and this group of immortal men don’t realize just how lonely they are, until they find themselves in front of the women of their dreams.

If you like lots of really great romantic men who always treats their women right, this series will give you lots of them. All of books have really tough men who are very protective and romantic (even if some of them are a little hard headed and need a kick in the right direction). The girls are all tough and can keep up with their men even if it means fighting some nasty vampires. The fantasy elements are also super cool and interesting. There is even an underlying story that passes through the different books as each man finds his love.

#2 Elder Races by Thea Harrison

If you like sexy not human men, this series is going to be your series. Shifters and magical beings of all kinds reside in this version of Earth, and these mythical men and women are looking for their one true match. Luckily for them, it seems that the time to meet that special someone is just on the next page.

Thea Harrison has a really interesting world filled with a diverse amount of creatures and beings that are all falling in love left and right. Each book is connected to the previous one through similar characters, but they are mostly stand-alone novels. Time does pass in a linier progression for previous characters, but it isn’t mandatory to read the previous one to enjoy the current one. There are a lot of possessive men in this series, so watch out for their ‘don’t tell me what to do’ women.

#3 Broken Heart by Michele Bardsley

Broken Heart is a small town filled with vampires, shifters, and super naturals. It is a safe place for super naturals to be what they are. However, they do tend to attract trouble there anyway. Luckily, they happen to find their true loves in the process of all the craziness.

This series is much more comedic than the previous series. It is not to be taken serious in anyway. Lots of the fantasy elements are made into parodies and jokes. At times, the action can be less than believable. However, I really love all the romances and like the humor. These books are truly just quick fun reads.

#4 Psy-Changeling by Nalini Singh

There are the changelings. They can change into animals and live fully with their emotions. Then there are the Psy. They live fully mentally connected to all the other Psy. They have cast away all their emotions and feel they are more evolved than the barbaric changelings. However, as certain Psys start to interact with changelings, they find that maybe their emotions aren’t completely wiped away after all.

This series is really interesting with its unique world and ideas. It is a bit of a cross between a sci-fi concept and a fantasy world. It is truly unique. I really love how the lack of emotions in the Psy romantic interest adds a layer to the building of the romance. The changeling man or woman is someone who is able to break through the other person’s training and conditioning to be only logical and unfeeling. As the feelings reveal themselves, the couple is able to grow closer and get to their happy ending.

#5 Black Dagger Brotherhood by J R Ward

Vampires. Hot sexy vampire men all in a group called the Black Dagger Brotherhood. All of them are warriors that protect their kind. Each one of them are single and waiting for the woman that would complete him. Fate is bringing women to their group and their world. The only question is if they can find the man they love.

This series is really great if you like vampires and warrior type men. This series has a lot more serious tones to it with many of the characters having troubled pasts they have to move forward from. Some of the couples don’t work out right away and need some time before they end up together. However, once they realize what they want and who they want it with, all of them manage to get to their happiness.