Fanatic Favorites

Top 5 Author’s Writing Styles

1. Jim Butcher

I have read Jim Butcher’s writing style in both first person and third person. I find he has mastered the art of storytelling in both points of view. His style has grown and matured over the course of his books. I love how his writing started as good with a fairly simple style that was clear to read and captured the character’s personality. Now, however, his writing has really blossomed into a style that has some complexity to it while still remaining clear and really captures the characters. If you like authors that have a bit of depth and flavor to their writing, I think you’ll love reading Butcher’s books. 

2. Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs has a lot of different series, but I have read her Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega series. Both of these series showcase how great Briggs’s writing style is. The main thing I love about it is how simple her style is. Her books tend to fly by when I read them because everything is so simple and easy to read. I hardly ever misunderstand what she is trying to say or what is happening in the story (I honestly can’t think of a time that I did). If you like reading books that are super simple and quick reads, you’ll like Briggs’s style. Plus, being simple doesn’t mean that her stories are simple. She still has high quality plot lines in each book.

3. Margaret Weis/Tracy Hickman

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman are such amazing authors. Not only do they write excellent stories, they also write them in a way that just makes me want to keep reading. I would not say that Weis and Hickman have a simple and easy breezy style, but it is definitely clear and a joy to read. They truly have a sophisticated way with words that bring their events and characters to life. I love how they balance between the amount of details they focus on and steadily moving forward with events. They really know how to capture a high fantasy story. In some ways it is hard to describe and just needs to be experienced. I think their style would be appealing for a lot of different readers.

4. Ilona Andrews

When it comes to expressing characters, Ilona Andrews does a great job. Her books are often first person (at least all the ones I have read are), and she really utilizes it to connect the reader to her characters. I think her writing style really focuses on how events and relationships effect the main character. She has a lot of inner monologues as well as reflections from the narration. I am the type of reader that needs to connect with the characters, especially the main one, in order to love the book, so this kind of writing style works really well for me. If you also are a reader who highly values connections to the characters, I think Andrew’s style will really resonate with you.

5. J. K. Rowling

The best thing about J. K. Rowling’s writing style is how it is written at a level for kids, but doesn’t feel that way to an adult. The style is so versatile that when I was reading Harry Potter at age eleven, I could easily understand and enjoy it. Now, in my late twenties, I still love and enjoy reading the series. It doesn’t feel like I’m reading a kid’s book. It is pretty amazing to have a style and story ideas that are so versatile that it can be enjoyed by any age group.

I’d love to know what authors are your favorites for their writing styles. What makes their style so great and fun to read?