Book Reviews

The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry

by: C. M. Waggoner

No Rating

Dellaria Wells is a fire witch who has lived in the slums of Leiscourt all her life. She often gets herself into trouble and has seen the inside of the local jail cells several times over. On her way to earn some rent money, she discovers a well paying job being a bodyguard, and manages to secure the position. Unfortunately for poor Delly, she finds herself actually needing to protect her charge or risk not getting paid. What is a Wells to do?

The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry by C. M. Waggoner is a book that is personally very hard to review since my personal feelings about this book do not align with my objective view of the book. I do not feel like I can say I personally recommend it; however, I do see reasons that other readers might enjoy it. So, with that in mind, I will simply present what I like, what I objectively feel about it, and what I personally didn’t like about this novel. Hopefully all of that information will help you know if this book sounds interesting to you.

The main thing I really enjoyed about this book is the magic system. Waggoner doesn’t spend a lot of time explaining or detailing  how magic works in Delly’s world, but by the end of the novel, the reader has a really good understanding of how magic is used and learned. There is some science to the magic in how it is controlled, and it is used in place of science. Along with that, there are schools to become better at magic even if not everyone can afford to do so. Waggoner really does an excellent job developing magic naturally throughout the story.

I also really enjoyed the chapter titles. Waggoner utilizes the chapter titles to add humor as well as to tease upcoming events to the reader. Some of the titles are quite long, but not in a bad way. I honestly laughed at several of them and had a few I thought were very clever. Most books I’ve read have no chapter titles or very short titles. I found these longer more detailed titles to add lots of personality to the story.

As for Waggoner’s writing style, I find myself having some mixed feelings. Her actual writing style is one that I really enjoy. It is smooth and easy to follow. There is personality in her writing as well as good storytelling. My only problem with it, however, is the historical feel she added to it. There were many phrases and words that she used to incorporate the historical setting that didn’t sit right with me. I think that it could appeal to readers who really like historical based settings, dialog, and culture. It just wasn’t for me. It took me several chapters to get used to the style of it and for reading to be more natural.

On the other hand, I had a hard time really enjoying this book because I didn’t connect well to most of the characters. I didn’t find any of the characters to grip my interest. Even Delly, as the main character, was hard for me to connect to. I found many of her motivations to be very selfish and manipulative. I wouldn’t call her a bad person, but she was always trying to make decisions that gave her an edge or made her look good to the woman she was hoping to win over.

In fact, the romance was another part of the story that didn’t connect with me. The romance aspect is a large part of the plot, but even now, I’m not really sure why Winn wanted to court Delly. In fact, Delly often only did good things to look like a better person for Winn in the hopes of  securing her as a rich wife. Through a lot of the plot, I’m not really sure if Delly really had feelings for Winn or not.  I personally didn’t enjoy how the more manipulative motivations lasted as long as it did.

Though I only have two main complaints, these items are a large part of the novel. Having characters that I can connect with, especially the main character, is very important for my enjoyment of a book. Also, with the romance aspects being a large focus throughout the book,  it was harder to connect with many events and outcomes.

However, even though I personally didn’t love this novel, I found myself feeling that the book was well written, organized, and detailed, and another reader might enjoy the things I didn’t like. They just didn’t connect with me. It is hard to fully decide if I recommend this book or not since I personally didn’t care for it, but I think if you like historical settings, magic that is fully incorporated into the world, and a plot that doesn’t take itself too seriously, you might want to give this book a try.


  • Amusing chapter titles
  • Interesting magic system
  • Smooth writing style


  •  Didn’t connect with characters
  • Weak romance
  •  Plot wasn’t what I hoped it would be

Recommended for readers who like:

  • Third person point of view
  • Historical settings
  • Underdog protagonists
  • Romance subplots

Book Details:

  • Published: January 12, 2021
  • Series: N/A
  • Book Number: 1
  • Pages: 383
  • Publisher: Ace

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C. M Waggoner’s Website: Click Here