• Fanatic Deliberations

    The Pros and Cons of First Person

    For those of you who have read my previous article, Point of View: Preferences and Character Connections, you know that first person point of view is my favorite. I am more likely to be engaged and to enjoy a book that is written in this point of view. Now, each viewpoint has its own pros and cons for both the reader and the writer. It all depends on each person’s individual preferences and taste. So, I thought it would be fun to see take a look at the pros and cons for first person. Pros -Personal Relationship with the Main Character As a reader, first person is perfect for building…

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  • Writing Tips

    Choosing Point of View

    One of the first things you have to decide when starting a new story is what point of view you are going to write this story in. Sometimes this decision can be easy, and sometimes it can be hard. It can depend on a person’s writing style. It can depend on what will serve the story the best. There are limitations, pros, and cons between each point of view. If you are unsure of the different kinds of points of view or the differences between them, I have a post to help you here. If you want to have a close and strong connection to one or two of your…

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  • Fantasy Terminology

    Types of Point of View

    This past week I ended up chatting with some family members about point of view. Even though they are avid readers, they realized that they really couldn’t tell the difference between the types of point of view or how to recognize which one they were reading. So, I thought I should clear up the terminology for those new or experienced readers who are unsure exactly what the different kinds of point of view are or how to tell which one they are reading. First Person First person point of view is the easiest to recognize. It is a book written from the perspective of the main character. You will know…

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  • Fanatic Deliberations

    Point of View: Preferences and Character Connections

    Point of view is such an interesting and complex topic. When I was in college getting my bachelors in creative writing, my teachers constantly mentioned how point of view was so important when writing or reading a story. The concept they always brought up was how point of view changes the reliability of the narrator. Now, maybe reliability doesn’t really affect me or bother me since I read for fun and not to analyze for deeper meanings or maybe I should pay more attention to it. It’s hard to say. Even in my classes in the academy, I might mention point of view and how important it is, but I…