• Writing Tips

    Top 5 Tips for Writing Magic Systems

    Here are my top five tips for writing magic systems in your story. Hopefully at least some of these will help you in your writing endeavors. If you’d like to hear more detailed thoughts, check out my video on this topic. 1.Create Rules and Boundaries The most important thing to consider when writing a story with magic is to create rules and boundaries for how magic works. Even though magic can work however the author wants it to, that doesn’t mean that it can be written however best fits each situation in a book. There needs to be consistency and structure for the reader to follow, understand, and believe. Just…

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  • Fanatic Deliberations

    That Magic was Awesome

    There are many different ways to present magic in a story and many authors do, in fact, incorporate it differently with more or less explanation about how it works. Unfortunately, there is not a clear answer for what is needed or how much explanation is needed for a story and sometimes it’s a matter of personal preference on the reader’s part. It seems to me, based on my reading experience, that high fantasies generally lean more towards more minimal magic explanation. How and when magic works or can be used is very simple. There are still defined rules on how magic works, but the author doesn’t explain all the inner…

  • Book Reviews

    The Obsidian Tower

    by Melissa Caruso Recommend Ryx’s magic is considered broken, useless. She must always hold her powers in check and endure the pain of her family’s insults and contempt. Yet, she is the only one able to make a stand when her family’s long locked away artifact is awakened. She is more scared than she’s ever been, but she might be brave enough to face the challenge. The Obsidian Tower by Melissa Caruso is a political and mystery based high fantasy. It isn’t as complex or intense as other political based fantasies like the series A Song of Fire and Ice by George R.R Martin, but it does have the main…

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  • Book Recommendations

    Awesome Magic Users

    For those who like to read fantasy stories with awesome magic users I recommend: -Dresden Files: Harry Dresden If you want a wizard who knows he’s not the most powerful but is smart enough to strategize around his weaknesses, Harry Dresden is your guy. Magic Type: When you’re on his bad side, he might set you on fire. Harry is definitely an amazing magic user, but that isn’t the only thing that makes him stand out. He knows his strengths and his weaknesses, so he uses all the techniques he can to win, even if it isn’t magic. He’s a caring guy who always puts himself into danger to protect…

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