• Book Reviews

    Book Review: The Endless Song

    by: Joshua Phillip Johnson Highly Recommend Where to find: Amazon Barnes & Nobles Indigo Books Spoiler Alert: This is book 2 of the series. If you haven’t read the previous novel, there may be spoilers for events in book one. If you wish to see my review for the first book, click here. Kindred has finally left the surface of the sea to dive below. Her small crew is beside her, and all three of them anxiously await the start of a new wonderful life. She hopes to find her grandmother, but there is so much ground to cover. Where should she start? Flitch is the fourth child in the…

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  • Book Reviews

    The Forever Sea

    by Joshua Phillip Johnson Highly Recommend Where to find: Amazon Barnes & Nobles Indigo Books Kindred is a keeper aboard her ship. A keeper keeps the ship afloat as it sails the Forever Sea. A sea that is not made up of water, but a sea of grass and flowers and plants. It’s a sea of life. It goes on farther than anyone has ever traveled and deeper than anyone has dared to venture. Beware sailing the roughs where the pirates live in a moving city and who attack any ships that sail too close. However, Kindred’s grandmother wonders what lies below the sea. Now Kindred will have to decide…

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