Seductive Magical Creatures
There are many different myths and fantasy stories that incorporate mermaids and mermen. These creatures are half human and half fish. Though there are many different depictions on how friendly or antagonistic they are, merfolk are known to be very seductive and beautiful. In many of the original myths, merfolk would lure the sailors off course and drown them in the ocean. Even the merfolk that are known to be friendly, or at least not malevolent, are usually still presented as seductive men and women.
– Succubus
These demonic women’s very essence is to be a seductress. They prey upon men and sleep with them. It is often shown that the energy they gather from their prey is a form of nourishment that they need to survive. The male version of this creature is known as an Incubus, though I have noticed that they are less commonly depicted than their female counterpart. Sometimes sleeping with a succubus will kill the victim and other times it won’t depending on the author or the legend.
Sirens are often mistaken to be practically the same thing as mermaids. They both do seduce men, but they tend to go about it differently. Plus, sirens are not half human half fish. Instead, they are half human half bird. They seduce men with their beautiful singing. Similar to merfolk, sirens live close to the ocean and lure sailors from their ships to their deaths. I have seen some stories where sirens are depicted as otherworldly human looking women who can control men with their singing. I find that variation is an interesting recreation of the original mythological creature.
Selkies are an interesting combination of being half seal half human. They are different than mermaids or sirens because they are seals in the sea with their tails and then fully human on land when they become their tail. Though these creatures are not specifically known for trying to seduce or prey upon men or women, many humans will fall in love with a selkie in their human form and wish to marry them. This is most common for human men to want to marry a selkie woman.
Vampires are very seductive creatures that usually use their charm and good looks to lure in their targets. Many men and women will be drawn to a vampire just looking at them. With a bit of flirting or suggestive looks, they can reel a willing victim to them. Sometimes, the vampire might even start to suck a victims blood after initiating an intimate encounter.
What are your favorite seductive magical creatures? I personally love mermaids and vampires best from this list, but I haven’t read as many stories with selkies or succubus. What other magical creatures are there that seduce unsuspecting humans?