Book Reviews

Book Review: Mutant Pride

By: SJ Whitby

Not Recommended

Dylan Taylor has always loved the X-Men. She dreams about what it would be like to have super powers and fight evil. Her dream becomes reality when a girl kisses her at a party. The next day she wakes up with powers of her own. In fact, everyone who kissed Emma Hall at the party got super powers. Maybe if they can join together, they can become a team of heroes just like in her comic books. Just one problem… how does one weaponize communicating with household items?

Cute Mutants by S.J Whitby is an interesting ride as it follows Dylan Taylor through her new life with brand new super powers. There are a lot of ups and downs throughout the plot and plenty of obstacles Dylan has to make it through. The novel is basically an origin story for Dylan and her fellow school mates as they work out their new powers and try to become a functioning superhero team. It has a lot of references to other superhero stories, especially the X-Men as it’s Dylan’s favorite stories. The plot in general had a lot of potential and starts off very interesting.

However, shortly after starting this book, it became clear that I am not the intended audience of this novel. There are many elements in the book that didn’t work for me. The first one is the level of LGBTQ+ characters and themes. As many of you may know from my previous reviews and discussions, I really encourage and like LGBTQ+ themes in fantasy novels. I think it is good to finally see more representation in the genre. However, this novel is mainly focused on this theme. Most of the characters are either lesbian, trans, non binary, or bi. Almost all the events and character interactions focus around LGBTQ+ rights or romantic relationship. I am happy to see this representation, but I feel that it overpowered the book until the story itself suffered for it. 

I also feel the X-Men theme was overwhelming in this book. The X-Men comments, jokes, and references were essential to Dylan’s character since she is such a fan of the comics. It motivates her to want to become a superhero once she has powers herself. Unfortunately, I felt that Dylan became one dimensional because her character really only focused on the X-Men and her romantic interests. There wasn’t enough depth to her to allow her character to grow and blossom or to surprise the reader. Even the other characters all know about her interest in the comics and often reference them as her motivations and main trait. I would have preferred a main character that offered more substance and depth to her wants and goals.

As a whole, I think the story didn’t really offer much depth overall due to these two overwhelming themes. The whole plot and storyline revolves around her superhero journey even though there were many other facets that could have been explored. There was minimal interaction at her school or with her family that I think could have allowed for more maturity to the story. In fact, Dylan often skips school and her parent is often not at home. I think having more of a balanced plot would have really made it more enjoyable.

Overall I, personally, would not recommend this novel. However, I feel that I am not the intended audience for this book. It might be much more enjoyable for a young adult reader who is interested in having a book that heavily focuses on LGBTQ+ themes and problems. It is well written as far as writing style and pacing, so the right reader could really enjoy it. There are already several books out for this series, but I won’t be continuing on with them. 


  • Good pacing
  • Well written


  • Overwhelming LGBTQ+ themes
  • Overwhelming X-men theme
  • Not much growth or depth to characters
  • Not much depth to the plot

Recommended for Readers Who Like:

  • First person point of view
  • Super heroes
  • LGBTQ+ themes and characters
  • X-men
  • Young adult novels

Book Details:

  • Published: August 1, 2020
  • Series: Cute Mutants
  • Book Number: 1
  • Pages: 418
  • Publisher: Self published

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*Note: This book is a finalist in the Indie Ink Awards by Write Hive 2022. Though I am a judge in this contest. Neither my review nor my recommendation is a reflection of  how I scored the book or the final results in any nominated category. If you are interested in seeing details on the contest, click here.If you wish to see the finalists, click here.