Awesome Magic Users
For those who like to read fantasy stories with awesome magic users I recommend:
-Dresden Files: Harry Dresden
If you want a wizard who knows he’s not the most powerful but is smart enough to strategize around his weaknesses, Harry Dresden is your guy.
Magic Type: When you’re on his bad side, he might set you on fire.
Harry is definitely an amazing magic user, but that isn’t the only thing that makes him stand out. He knows his strengths and his weaknesses, so he uses all the techniques he can to win, even if it isn’t magic. He’s a caring guy who always puts himself into danger to protect people. His morals are as strong as his friends, and his wallet is often empty. It’s a good thing he has a talking spirit that lives in a skull.
-Alex Verus Series: Alex Verus
If you want a diviner that chooses the future he thinks will serve him best, Alex Verus is the one you want.
Magic Type: He might read your future and not tell you what it says at any moment.
Alex is the type of magic user that it seems would have an easy life, but seeing the future doesn’t always work out. Sometimes life is still complicated. However, he keeps his chin high and does his best. He has a few good friends who help him out when he needs it, and he never backs down from a fight. He might just win when you least expect it.
-Allie Beckstrom Series: Allie Beckstrom
If you want a woman who will push herself past her limits to do what needs to be done, Allie Beckstrom is your best bet.
Magic Type: She has a wide range of things she could do to you. Just run if her tattoo is glowing.
Allie really doesn’t know her own limits or when to give up. She’s headstrong, scrappy, and will use magic even if it could kill her. There are plenty of times she’s flying by the seat of her pants and barely making it past her enemies. Never fear, though, she will never let you down, and nothing will stop her once you get her going.
-Raine Benares Series: Raine Benares
If you want a woman who would prefer to not have to use her magic but does so when necessary, Raine Benares is where it’s at.
Magic Type: Better be cautious. Otherwise, you might be absorbed into a soul sucking rock.
Raine is an unstoppable force. She is someone who tries really hard not to use her magic because it scares her. She worries about being a danger to others instead of helpful. It would just about kill her if her magic hurt someone unintended. That said, that doesn’t stop her from using it when it’s the best chance of success. If you try to hurt someone she loves, she will unleash everything she’s got.
-Iron Druid Chronicles: Atticus O’Sullivan
If you want a guy who is older than dirt, yet looks too young to drink and has the gods themselves bugging him, Atticus O’Sullivan will be your first visit.
Magic Type: Often times if he doesn’t want you to see something, you won’t… even if its hanging on his back.
Atticus is an interesting guy since he’s part of a lost type of magic users. He’s a druid, and he’s very careful. Every action comes after thought and consideration to the situation. That doesn’t make it so he never has any trouble, but it does help him not get himself into more trouble. Of course, he’d be much happier if all the gods would just leave him alone so he can live a less eventful life. He’d rather just run his store and not worry about the world falling apart on him.